Back-to-School Special: $20 Off the International Credit Check! Now you can screen international applicants and fill your student rentals—fast. Click here to to order now.

Alquiler sin riesgo, por fin.

El alquiler se vuelve imprevisible. Protege tus ingresos por alquiler con las soluciones de mitigación de riesgos de SingleKey para propietarios de viviendas, empresas de alquiler e inquilinos.

Con la confianza de más de 120.000 propietarios

Conoce SingleKey

De principio a fin protección de alquiler

Elimina el riesgo del alquiler en 3 sencillos pasos.

Primer paso

Elige inquilinos seguros

Examina a tus inquilinos de forma más rápida e inteligente que cualquier verificación de crédito. Nuestro exhaustivo Informe de Inquilinos te ofrece resultados en cuestión de minutos, e incluye comprobaciones crediticias, sociales, de antecedentes y de referencias.

Segundo paso

Cobrar a tiempo

Sáltate el papeleo. Establece depósitos mensuales automatizados con tu inquilino, e incentiva los pagos puntuales de los inquilinos.

Tercer paso

Garantiza tus ingresos

En caso de impago del inquilino, Garantía de Alquiler te respalda con una red de seguridad financiera, apoyo jurídico y protección contra daños.

Alquiler, reimaginado

Tranquilo, tienes SingleKey

Sea cual sea tu situación en el mercado de alquiler, tenemos una solución para quitarte el estrés de alquilar.

Estás en buena compañía

Únete a nuestra comunidad en rápido crecimiento. Hoy, servimos con orgullo:


Propietarios de viviendas




Agentes inmobiliarios


Administradores de fincas de empresas

Impulsados por las personas y la pasión

SingleKey está cambiando la forma de alquilar. Descubre cómo fomentamos mejores relaciones entre propietarios e inquilinos mediante productos bien pensados y creados con un propósito.

Como se vio en

Llegan las críticas

"Esta empresa cambia las reglas del juego".

“I used SingleKey for a background check and it has helped me find higher quality, more financially stable tenants. I have been using SingleKey's Rent Guarantee and automatic Rent Collection for almost a year now too. Peace of mind has a price. I haven't made a claim with them, my hope is that I never need to, but if I do, they will honor their Rent Guarantee program.”


J Wasney

SingleKey Rent Guarantee Customer


“This company is a game-changer. The screening service is fast and comprehensive. The website is well laid out and easy to use. Customer support is... actual customer support. People get back to you. Highly recommended.”


Taco van Ieperen

SingleKey Rent Guarantee Customer


“It is a pleasure to cooperate with you. Thank you for the kindness, professionalism and speed with which you work with clients. A wonderful team, and even more beautiful rental properties.”


Brankica Sarcevic

SingleKey Rent Guarantee Customer


“Very legit. Very professional. Very Canadian! I had a couple of issues at the beginning, but they were addressed quite quickly and properly.  They are a good match to the business of landlording. Have recommended to others in the field."



SingleKey Customer


“As a landlord, SingleKey is a very important tool to have in your arsenal. The tenant screening tool was particularly useful when evaluating potential tenants as the program allows information to be pulled from various sources. The Rent Guarantee insurance was also very useful. I had a tenant stop paying his rent and SingleKey immediately refunded me my rent without question. I recommend any landlord big or small to give it a try.”



SingleKey Rent Guarantee Customer


“During my experience with the representative at Single Key, I was completely satisfied since everything was explained in detail to me, I fully understood and she answered all my questions. This representative went above and beyond in ensuring that I was quite happy with all resolutions. I'll certainly recommend SingleKey to friends and family. Thank you.”


Carlos B

SingleKey Rent Guarantee Customer


“Professional and easy to use service. Great support along the way.”


Timothy Ray

SingleKey Rent Guarantee Customer


Empieza a Alquilar Sin Riesgos Hoy Mismo.

Alquila más seguro que nunca con SingleKey.