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Document Verification: SingleKey Feature Announcement

Key Takeaways

  • This AI tool checks if a PDF bank statement or paystub has been tampered with and alerts you to any signs of fraud.
  • Applies to the first 3 PDF files of paystubs or bank statements uploaded by the applicant.
  • Release Date - Soft launch in September.

Published on Aug 29, 2024 | Updated on Sep 4, 2024

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Sometimes, a prospective tenant’s credit score doesn’t tell the whole story. You might want to give someone a chance, especially if they’ve made a great impression. To ensure they can pay rent on time, you need to validate their ability through their past rent payments and recent pay stubs.

With SingleKey’s new AI-powered document verification tool, we automatically scan income documents for signs of editing or fraud. Any issues detected will be highlighted in the ‘Uploaded by tenant’ section of your Tenant Report, making it easy for you to identify and review any documents of concern by simply clicking into them for the full analysis.

Best of all, this tool will be included for FREE with no additional costs on all Equifax, Transunion and Dual Reports (Equifax & Transunion) for a limited time. 

First, we extract the data from the document via AI and verify that it matches the information the tenant provided on their rental application. Here’s a look at the verifications we run:

Applicant name match

Detects if the applicants name from the rental application is shown in the document.

Business name match

Detects if the business name from the rental application is shown in the document.

Income match

Indicates if the monthly income provided on the rental application matches the monthly income extracted from the document. It’s a pass if the document income is higher or if it’s within 10% of the income stated on the application.

Expired document

Checks if the document is over 60 days old, using the most recent date found.

We then conduct a series of document fraud analysis checks to confirm that the document has not been altered by the applicant before it was submitted with their rental application. Here’s a look at the verifications we run:

Abnormal fonts detected

Indicates if abnormal fonts, that are not consistent with the rest of the document, are detected. This indicates a risk that the document has been modified.

PDF editor detected

Detects if the document has signs of a PDF editor has been used, indicating a high risk that this document was modified.

Inconsistent timestamp

This fails if the “modified date” on the report is not the same as the “created date”, indicating a risk of the document having been modified.

Content type check

This fails if the PDF uploaded is scanned or contains only images. In this case, it’s difficult to confirm authenticity, so it’s a risk.

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